24 Hours of Booty at Haywoodstock!

Haywood graciously opened up his house to us so we can re-ignite a tradition!

Friday July 26th 5pm-10pm
1645 Queens Rd W (corner of Bucknell)
For U and ur M’s and 2.0’s

Whether ur taking part in the 24HOB fundraiser or not, we will be directly on the booty loop, listening to a band (name tba- we are taking requests)… overseeing the Sugar Creek tent… rooting along riders, ruckers and walkers. Come join!

Other 24HOB happenings: saturday morning bootcamp (specifics tba)… Kodak attenpting a tri (ride run ruck)… ruck a thon hosted by Snoop… Metro region starfish ceremony

And dont forget the reason for the event: 23rd year of raising money to kick cancer

See u on Friday July 26,

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