08/05/2022 - Casbah - How you Ben?

New pax, regulars, and gone but not forgotten showed up for 4+ miles of Foxcroft trail running. Started with merkins, lbc’s, and flutters in the Ben and Jerry’s parking lot.…

07/29/2022 - Casbah - Chasing Cars

The morning started quickly and never slowed down. The course was changed as the pax believed a new member was not aware of the switch due to locked gates but…

07/29/2022 - Casbah - Chasing Cars

The morning started quickly and never slowed down. The course was changed as the pax believed a new member was not aware of the switch due to locked gates but…

10/01/2021 - Casbah - Paula’s Abdul

Cars just kept rolling in- the pax opted for sleep instead of Thurs night Bengals game. Shocker. They posted to see Paula- back in the gloom with an extra dependent.…

06/11/2021 - Casbah - Investing Is Easy

Everyone is a genius these days- with their 200% yoy investment gains.  The men of Casbah took a step back and looked at all of the current options. The Thang:…

03/19/2021 - Casbah - Reverse Yard Sale

I haven’t written a BB for the last several Q’s i’ve had.  Every excuse in the book….but Dredd’s recent rampage of blogging inspired me to actually follow through for a…

03/04/2021 - Casbah - 1 Bad Thing

Much respect for the Valley, even if there is not an AO option in the Metro backblast dropdown^^^  But YHC digresses.  Love these guys.  Would even do EC with em…

F3 Metro