01/27/2025 - Lift and Shift - Tempting
The decision whether or not to fartsack is usually a one-time decision. This morning, the temptation to fold came up a half dozen times. Rain, Monday, January, Chiefs/Eagles… Courage prevailed…
The decision whether or not to fartsack is usually a one-time decision. This morning, the temptation to fold came up a half dozen times. Rain, Monday, January, Chiefs/Eagles… Courage prevailed…
No turkey leftovers jokes, no bengals jokes, no men in tights jokes. Only lift and shift The Thang: Mosey around Carnegie Blvd with stops. Parking deck for wall fun- chairs,…
The (kettle)bell rang and 5 PAX posted to a dark back corner parking lot in the sketchy streets of Southpark Quick SSH “warm-up” while the stragglers adjust to getting their…
As typically happens, the Bengals started the year slow. The Q is crabby, it’s gonna cost ya: The Thang: Quick warmup, grab ur bells and work on grip strength! Farmer…
One would think that Sunday rain equals Monday cool gloom. One would be wrong… it was humid as hades out there and we kicked off the olympic-themed Qs with this…
The Swingline Q swap was approved and we grabbed the speaker before taking off: The Thang: Mosey to capital towers. hit all 4 stairwells up and down with some stuff…
Coming off vaca and ready to go. Albeit tired and fat but here we go: The Thang: Roundabout mosey to Macys and back to Barclay Downs Dr for COP… mosey…