A crafty and fairly good looking group of men arrived in the hotbox this am for some action. For a little locker room chatter, male bonding and a damn good work out. The men got what was desired and what they deserved: log PT.

AO: Hardcore

When: 04/01/2021

QIC: Snoop

Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names:

The BackBlast:

Log-ism – 1) the desire for pain and suffering under the load of a log.

Noun: “The log was his best friend for creating pain and strength.”

Verb: “He had never achieved brute strength until logism became an obsession.”


A man’s Jester comes at him from all angles: hi and low, hard and fast. That’s how the Jester rolls and he had YHC pinned down recently, ‘backed into a corner’ you might say.  

The call came in; “Snoop we need you under the log tomorrow to lead the pax for the beatdown.  You in?”  Then, everything changed in an instant. YHC snuffed that bastard Jester into the ground. My brothers are calling! Damn right YHC is IN! Let’s go!

A crafty and fairly good looking group of men arrived in the hotbox this am for some action. For a little locker room chatter, male bonding and a damn good work out.  The men got what was desired and what they deserved: log PT. 


Festus warmed up the pax with complex KBell movements and complex cadence whilst Dredd led a Q school session using Festus’s lingo as an example of how not to forget; ‘recover’ after each exercise that was performed.

Muschamp to Snoop and YHC was already jacked to the moon so we grabbed a CBlock, KBell and took a ‘hot lap’.  The pax split up into ‘size appropriate’ four groups and ‘went under the log’.

Right shoulder position, move! Over head position, move! Left shoulder position, move!  Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. We traversed the parking lot practicing logism as the cars drove past with eyes wide open. What that fuck are those dudes doing? We could hear the thoughts coming out of their heads.

Logs down and run to the curb. Merkins and derkins. LBCs and planks on the log for balance work. All the boxes checked, arms and shoulders maxed out and we headed for home. Ohh wait, grab two CBlocks and take a lap. Stop whining. You got this! 

Yes we did, we got what we wanted and what we needed. We are better men for the pain and suffering unleashed by logism. Yea, they are painted pretty for your pleasure but hurt like a bitch. Get some!

Welcome FNG: Short-stack and Witness. Hell-of-a-day to start F3 but you survived. Hope you come back and join the fun we call F3 Nation.

Honored to lead these men, 



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