BLOCKTOBERFEST is upon us!!!
The BackBlast:
Warm-a-rama ran a little over, as once again, I’ll blame the Dog Days of Summer for light attendance. Merkins, Toy Soldiers, Grapevine Stretch. Grab some blocks. We head down the road to BBQ King & put the blocks down (this is where Evil’s “shoes started to squeak”). Ten merkins at each street light up to the intersection and the blocks come with us. Next block (pun?) is Salt Lick Squats – ten at each street light to the intersection & turn right. Why not a plank? Chimay counts to 30 & then Evil goes to 45. Everyone is loving life. 15 BBC’s (an LBC with your feet high) at each street light. Messed around at the start waiting for latecomers and now timing is off – cut it short by a block (pun?) and turn right. Block-assisted squats (10) at each street light to the intersection. Final block (pun?) – block merkins at each light (first is a mistake and we do 30 😂). Next one is 15, then 10. Time is short and back to home. Arrive at the lot and we still have a bit of time – 50 flutters and there is groaning by the end. Evil’s shoes (too many beans???) have been squeaking since we started. COT (we find out that Tax Break is now living across the street & running will become “faster” and more often – Chimay smiles…. YHC takes us out.