Circles Around the Seminary – We Are Now Much More Sanctified!

AO: Governator

When: 03/16/2022

QIC: Sloppy

Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Chalet, Gizzard, One Eye, Sable,

The BackBlast:

The Pax of Governator got a little more than they bargained for. It wasn’t because of the workout, it was because the Q wouldn’t shut up. but we all got a little better because of it. both mentally and physically. Well, when I say all of us there were some that weren’t there… like @coldcuts and @wafflehouse and @Tardy. Where were you guys?! The rest of us ran around RTS and got a little sanctified as we talked about the inner and outer man.

The warmup
– Mosey to the back parking lot of Reformed Theological Seminary (my masters alma mater) to learn that people do actually study there and that there aren’t a bunch of dead people inside. Quite the opposite One Eye!
– SSH X 20 IC
– Squats X 15 IC
– Imperial Walkers X 20 IC
– Merkins X 10 IC

the thang
– Mosey around the main Building at RTS to set a path for what’s next
– Run the path with Merkins in the lower basketball court lot and Dips outside Wellinghall coffee house.
– Repeato X 4
– plank in the parking lot. hold… hold… hold… fatigue sets in and the speeches begin. Now we are suffering like one with an inner man struggle. In fact, the inner man affects the outer and the outer affects the inner. If one is unhealthy, the other gets unhealthy. Take stress and anxiety for example. I’ve been stressed and anxious enough to make myself sick, haven’t you? Or when you aren’t sleeping well your stress and anxiety goes up and then your body reacts. It’s an endless cycle. It can be one that is very difficult to beat. But we can help one another. the gloom helps… it helps because of the physical push (body affects mind) but it can also help because someone looks you in the eye to see how you are doing. Anyone of these F3 Pax would listen to me if I was having a problem. I remember a clear moment of puking (through speech) all over @Tardy during the pandemic as our family businesses were shutting down and we were struggling to figure out what was next. Anxiety and stress. I need an ear. Tardy was close. Thanks for listening brother (he probably doesn’t even remember and I don’t know if he said anything that helped me, he probably did, but I do know it was nice to have his ear and for him to listen). You Pax will do the same.
hold… hold… hold… oh yeah we are still working out. The mind says stop, give up… but we don’t we keep fighting
– Mosey together for a larger lap around the parking lots on campus.
– stop in the lower basketball court lot for some speeches and 6 INCHES – Hold… hold… hold… fatigue sets in… now we are suffering like those who are depressed… whose inner man is telling them that they can’t, they won’t, and they never will… This can come from within or it might start from without… from an event like loss of a job, dissatisfaction with circumstances, or loss of loved one or even a physical ailment. The struggle is real and felt. Not crazy… just suffering.
hold… hold… hold… the mind says stop… but we keep going.
– That was fun, lets do it again – Mosey around the lots again and stop at the free throw line. Plank around the free throw circle for the Clock- Plank walk clockwise IC with X 5 IC merkins at each quarter hour.
RECOVER – feels good to recover
– Mosey back to the start for some suicides on the tennis courts
– finish it off with 1 and half minutes of Freddy Mercury – about 30 IC I believe.

Announcements – KOH2022, Sloppy Sixpack goes to The Valley tomorrow – Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School 0515 EC 0530 ME.
YHC with the Take out.

I’m getting stronger. Thanks for letting me lead gents. Leadership makes us better and you are providing me the opportunity. Thank you.

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