Karma is a crazy thing

AO: Diamondhead

When: 09/14/2020

QIC: Skoal and Big Worm

Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Big Worm, Blue Tornado, Charcoal, Eminem, Fauchie, Festus, Friar Tuck, Ribeye, Road runner (sorry wrong name), skoal, swing state, Titan, Van Winkle, Wahoo,

The BackBlast:

Late post as a backblast.  Funny how going to a workout the next week reminds you that you led the previous week and also made a reference to the importance of BBs and then you are late.

Here is what went down:

Skoal leads and starts off way to too strong on a lot of swings, no rest, jogs around the parking lot.   Swings more with no rest.  Grabs Big Worm to pick up second half.  Big Worm picks up and does SSH’s with PAX calling exercises.  I think Titan called burpees, Ribeye called 50 swings b/c he just turned 50, some other crazy stuff.  I thought it would be more casual but nope.  And we had time for another round too!  Funny thing about impromptu Qs and also double Qs, they are sometimes harder.

Great group, and new faces to DH too.  And some old ones, Ribeye posting.


God bless and be good.  We are imperfect creatures.  Do good and make sure to get yourself right first.



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