01/11/2023 - Governator - Deep Pellyn Wood

Sadly no FNGs showed but we did have 3 repeat offenders from Monday’s Q. Time to venture in the complete opposite direction.. The Thang: Mosey out Camila Dr to left…

01/09/2023 - DMZ - Concrete Jungle

There are certainly pro’s and Con’s of a brazillion people moving to Charlotte. One negative is that they’re taking away the Colony Enclave/Mountainbrook portal. We met at 0530 on a…

11/28/2022 - Hardcore - Ruck Tha Mutha

Six men gathered at the base of the spiraling #MuthaShip. The luminous gloom filled our eyes and the skyline popped with vivid color. Our path was clear, straight up the…

F3 Metro