05/19/2020 - SIBling Rivalry - SIBling Rivalry: Back to Basics
Intro: 5 men showed up to RMS by 0530, 1 showed up about 3 minutes late. There was no rain, but plenty of puddles and a slick track. No disclaimer…
Intro: 5 men showed up to RMS by 0530, 1 showed up about 3 minutes late. There was no rain, but plenty of puddles and a slick track. No disclaimer…
WIB is back. Though it never really left. A few of us would do WIBish things on Tuesdays in the general vicinity of Freedom Park while WIB was on an…
Intro: The Thang: warm up, countdown , and then 2 11’s Naked Man Moleskin: There are people that change your life permanently just by showing up. Like Russel…
3 pax (plus a gang of shorties at Pipeline’s house) Well maybe not a ‘gang’ – possibly just one or two – but strong contribution to workout background noise and…
There’s like a whole template for this thing. Apparently I’m not writing backblasts regularly. What’s with the drop down box for names? Is this designed to keep Cindy from making…
Intro: 3 Brothers stepped up to their personal computing devices for some virtual #Combine gloom over the wire. The Thang: Warmup – (all OYO exercises) 25 SSH 25 Mountain Climbers…
Intro: This is what we would have done had I Q’d on 3/30. I’m out of town, this is all I got… The Thang: Warmup 15 counts: SSH, Imp…
Intro: 7 hearty souls threw off their spiritual fat suit and stepped up to the ShoreCard The Thang: The thang was a mashup of strength, core, legs, and burpee exercises.…
Intro: Birthday Q for Hallpass. Hallpass turned the corner at Core Meltdown and officially entered the over 65 group that you young guys are supporting. Your Social Security donations are…
1st official BB on the new Metro site! This workout is being completed by two groups at the same time. Safety tip: Wash your hands to row row row your…