simple math

The BackBlast:


Some things are quite complex. Like Quantum Physics, Hieroglyphics, or Blue Tornado’s hair color. I can’t decide if it’s red, white, orange, or a mixture there of but I tell you this much—that flow is awesome. It’s like spun gold.   I want it, and I can’t have it.


The Thang:

Now where were we…oh that’s right, a simple workout.


But first, the standard.  Even in the simplest of undertakings, standards must apply.


Here’s what simple looks like:  5 exercises, done 5 times, for 5 sets.  Then 5 sprints

Inboards, outboards, reverse grip lawnmowers left and right, hammer curls

5 sprints

Double protractors, way backs, LBC, leg lifts, knee ups

5 sprints

Bulgarian Split Squats left and right

Goblet squats

Side lunge left and right

5 sprints


Naked Man Moleskin:


NMM:  This is hard, but not impossible, to get done.  The secret—selfishly, I might add—is proper rest and stretching. I don’t normally run (at all) but I rested yesterday, and quite a session of stretching. Which allowed me to properly participate in the running. DoReMi and Nibbler called this selfish.


I say I am protecting my investment.


Now then, it was a strong workout, completed in the allotted time, and much complaining and whining occurred.


Therefore, the simplest of plans was satisfactorily employed.


Your friend always,


The Reverend Flo-Rida



1 thought on “05/28/2020 - CORE Meltdown - simple math”

  1. Why is “Phoenix” listed as the QIC? Is that a subtle ploy to pull him back into the gloom by crediting him with the title of QIC?


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