AO: Ranger
When: 06/28/2023
QIC: ColdCuts
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names: Bulge, Cindy, ColdCuts, DIB, PizzaMan, Pusher, SwampF, Tassles, Taxbreak, ThinSlice, Vanderbeek,
The BackBlast:
A leisurely Tuesday text with Bulge turned into my Q on Wed. Go time.
The Thang:
The route: Independence Park to Grady Cole to Elizabeth Ave to Mcdowell to Brooklyn? to Charlottetown to Kings to Torrence to Elizabeth to Hawthorne back to Independence. Included stops for merkins*, mary, and pullups/lunges in the park. Timekiller mosey around the park to AYG back to the flag. Fin.
We lost 2 batflippers about 5 minutes in. 9 pax stayed and saw a 1000/1 shot on what concert yhc saw at Grady Cole in 1998. Correct answer: TOOL. ThinSlice nailed it on maybe his 3rd guess. Applause. Saved us some merkins*… Marshall Park is OFF LIMITS during the summer. They may have been common gnats or brain-eating mosquitoes, but there was a shtload of em on that block. Retreat… I guess they renamed a street downtown to Brooklyn Village East, what happened to MLK?… still not sure what Tassles does for a living and it’s better that way.
(no announcements at RAnGEr but) July4th Convergence- right there at Independence Park 0700-0800. Qs: Moonshine, Rev Flo-rida… 24 Hours of Booty in late July. Stay tuned for details. Bike and ruck options.
Takeout by PizzaMan. Commercial voice… First time yhc’s been to Ranger post-covid and didnt disappoint. Consistency is easy to work with. Sht-talking is strong and all 5 principles upheld. Bulge- keep up the good work.