02/12/2025 - Governator - Partly Sunny

The weather report was so bad last night, pre-blasts were needed. 5 posted The Thang: Shovelflag carry to the covered part of New City church. Extended warmorama. Music On. Merkins,…

01/28/2025 - SIBling Rivalry - Never

In the illustrious history of SIBling Rivalry, we never did this thang The Thang: Out and back to Oakhurst Park via Walker, Mcalway, Craig Ave. Stop at the park for…

01/27/2025 - Lift and Shift - Tempting

The decision whether or not to fartsack is usually a one-time decision. This morning, the temptation to fold came up a half dozen times. Rain, Monday, January, Chiefs/Eagles… Courage prevailed…

01/24/2025 - Shorecard - *SIP* Not So Fast

Still cold. I’d imagine we’ll have company in the ‘box today The Thang: YHC: warmorama, bearcrawl/crawlbear, spartan training TML: bar and pillars Stinger: Tysons/donkeys/triparound Moleskin: The Return of the Chicken.…

01/14/2025 - Ring Run - Resolute

We saw a lot of runners powering thru the cold temps. Most were in groups. Yes it is the second full week of January and resolutions are still warm. That…

01/03/2025 - Casbah - Reports Are In

Light attendance for a choppy workweek? Nay. A dozen pax launched The Thang: Mosey to Sharon Elementary for warmorama and calisthenics. Hit the jungleless gym for timed deadhangs/AlGore’s and pullups……

12/23/2024 - DMZ - On A Mission

No christmas theme, no whining about weather, 6 pax launched The Thang: We moseyed the backroads to Sharon View to RockCreek and Flintwood hills. 3 trips up RockCreek and only…

F3 Metro