09/23/2024 - DMZ - Blockchain Rockchain

Panthers fans had an extra gear this morning so we slowed em down with cinder blocks. Red Rifle – Part IV The Thang: One lap around the church and warmarama…

09/11/2024 - Ranger - 911

It’s a day we’ll never forget… but yhc forgot about the Q scheduling vs Tuesday night’s steakNbrews group. Still, no better day to post and be courageous The Thang: Moseyed…

08/01/2024 - Bastion - Youngbloods

YHC hadnt heard from the recent Catholic HS grads in a couple weeks. Then they rolled in at 0527: The Thang: Direct shot across the street to the hotbox for…

07/29/2024 - DMZ - Cool Runnings

YHC cant not do olympic themes. Winter Olympiad on display today: The Thang: Mosey south on Carmel to warmups on Knapdale. Further down Carmel to right on Mill Pond for…

07/19/2024 - Casbah - Opening Ceremonies

Summer just-in-time-Q rules were in effect. YHC snagged the Q at 5pm last night. Easy theme: The Thang: Opening mosey 1 lap around the Foxrcoft Swim stadium. Over to gymnastics…

05/22/2024 - Ranger - 3rd time

Time for the new guy to meet the RAnGErs The Thang: FoulBall ran us ~4miles using uptown and parking decks. No mutha. Kinda out n back route on 4th/Trade… couple…

F3 Metro