03/02/2024 - Mustang - CSAUP Event of the Year
The Thang: Not a single shovel flag in sight as 28 grisly veterans of the Gloom gathered in one of the more historic sites in the lore of F3, eager…
The Thang: Not a single shovel flag in sight as 28 grisly veterans of the Gloom gathered in one of the more historic sites in the lore of F3, eager…
Got to give Forge credit, if he gets an idea in his head he doesn’t give up like a Rottweiler with a steak. He saw some random tweet during midnight…
The Thang: Warm-ups dynamic stretching in place: Thigh, Knee ups, Lunge, One leg, Kicks, hurdles. Arm circles 10s/10b. Grass Picker. Arm Circle 10s/10b. Imperial Walker. Merkins 10 single count LBCs.…
It was only 0900 but the real feel was 85 sheesh. Max sun, clear eyes, full hearts. Football preseason has commenced with Utah earning a fartsack instead of the post.…
Before we started: The idea is to get better, not to get hurt. Modify exercises as you wish. Pay attention to the commands for leading an exercise. I will ask…
aaa I’d like to be one of those nouveaux parents that looks for every opportunity to help their child Express their feelings and keeps them from getting hurt. But the…