01/13/2025 - The Phoenix - First Aid Station Visit
Likeminded men of purpose posted for what felt like another installment of PHX. After action report: 1. Leisurely large block movement through Dilworth was conducted. 2. Doobie without Pate is…
Existing PAX
Likeminded men of purpose posted for what felt like another installment of PHX. After action report: 1. Leisurely large block movement through Dilworth was conducted. 2. Doobie without Pate is…
0530 bell sounded and likeminded men of purpose launched. AfterActionReport: 1. WIB ain’t RingRun, no, and complaints were registered. WIB didn’t know they received a BigHairMonday repeato route. 2. Fashion…
The Thang: Not a single shovel flag in sight as 28 grisly veterans of the Gloom gathered in one of the more historic sites in the lore of F3, eager…
As Cindy has recently pointed out I have come off a few year Haitus, still being a little spotty. This is so true I actually forgot how to write a…
Intro: Have you ever noticed that seafood restaurants tend to be located near bodies of water, even when there is no plausible way the seafood you’re eating came from said…
Probably should’ve led with a disclaimer as we were lucky to make it out of this one in one piece: The Thang: Mosey south down Providence while attmepting to stay…
Hot for Teacher – has nothing to do with the workout but Eddie Van Halen passed today and that was an awesome video. He was the man and prayers to…
Bonus points for who knows the song the title of this back blast is from. Solid crew of 11 for a dark and active trip around the surrounding neighborhoods. The…