12/23/2024 - DMZ - On A Mission

No christmas theme, no whining about weather, 6 pax launched The Thang: We moseyed the backroads to Sharon View to RockCreek and Flintwood hills. 3 trips up RockCreek and only…

09/23/2024 - DMZ - Blockchain Rockchain

Panthers fans had an extra gear this morning so we slowed em down with cinder blocks. Red Rifle – Part IV The Thang: One lap around the church and warmarama…

05/13/2024 - DMZ - Gentleman Only

It was either a Mothers Day theme or Golf and we went with the latter The Thang: Golfers run, right? Mosey to Carmel Middle School then around Camila to the…

01/24/2024 - Governator - Gotta Run A Little

Waffle: “what u gonna do at govy?” YHC: “dunno. not much running” … depending on ur definition of “much,” this was the truth. The Thang: We moseyed around the block-…

03/19/2021 - Casbah - Reverse Yard Sale

I haven’t written a BB for the last several Q’s i’ve had.  Every excuse in the book….but Dredd’s recent rampage of blogging inspired me to actually follow through for a…

02/26/2021 - Casbah - All Aboard

50 degrees and clear.  Load up the pax because springtime is here.  Get out there for a couple weeks of mild weather before the furnace turns on… anyway, 17 strong…

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