12/23/2024 - DMZ - On A Mission

No christmas theme, no whining about weather, 6 pax launched The Thang: We moseyed the backroads to Sharon View to RockCreek and Flintwood hills. 3 trips up RockCreek and only…

08/01/2024 - Bastion - Youngbloods

YHC hadnt heard from the recent Catholic HS grads in a couple weeks. Then they rolled in at 0527: The Thang: Direct shot across the street to the hotbox for…

07/29/2024 - DMZ - Cool Runnings

YHC cant not do olympic themes. Winter Olympiad on display today: The Thang: Mosey south on Carmel to warmups on Knapdale. Further down Carmel to right on Mill Pond for…

02/20/2024 - Black Widow - Lake Life

2 nights at Badin Lake was not enough so we headed for the local watering hole (not a bar)… The Thang: The mission was to get to the Bay of…

05/22/2023 - DMZ - A Real Live Bootcamp

We started the week with a dream: a 2 mile bootcamp on the outskirts of CLT Metro… roll out: The Thang: Mosey around the lot, check out the blocks (3…

01/25/2023 - Governator - Standard stuff

5 Pax showed for a chilly, not cold, morning workout. Mid week is a great point to slow down the workouts and focus more on excercises. That’s what we did.…

01/11/2023 - Governator - Deep Pellyn Wood

Sadly no FNGs showed but we did have 3 repeat offenders from Monday’s Q. Time to venture in the complete opposite direction.. The Thang: Mosey out Camila Dr to left…

F3 Metro