03/15/2022 - Black Widow - Don’t need luck when you’re good, but it never hurts
The HIM of Black Widow ran a 4 leaf clover in honor of St. Patty’s week. 4 Corners on each clover. It didn’t even take me very long to come…
The HIM of Black Widow ran a 4 leaf clover in honor of St. Patty’s week. 4 Corners on each clover. It didn’t even take me very long to come…
The HIM of Black Widow ran a 4 leaf clover in honor of St. Patty’s week. 4 Corners on each clover. It didn’t even take me very long to come…
The HIM of Black Widow ran a 4 leaf clover in honor of St. Patty’s week. 4 Corners on each clover. It didn’t even take me very long to come…
The Pax got a little bigger and we all got a little better. How did we do it? Hilary headlocked Paulie Walnuts and we all went balls to the wall.…
Gloves were optional but necessary. The hill at Surry Ridge is always necessary… The Thang: (EC – sprint 1.1 miles) ME – Mosey out the lot (after no man left…
Will have to wait to show off new sandbag til next week at Shorecard, because it’s 7-minute-mile time: The Thang: Mosey out Colville to right on Twiford to left on…
Will have to wait to show off new sandbag til next week at Shorecard, because it’s 7-minute-mile time: The Thang: Mosey out Colville to right on Twiford to left on…
The Valley is the border line of Metro and Area 51. Some days the Valley Pax attend Metro workouts and others they attend Area 51 workouts. It’s rare, maybe almost…
Governator needed a Q and Wednesday was wide open. Tuesday night? Not so much. So there was some holiday cheer, lack of sleep, and hills. In that order. The Thang…
Cars just kept rolling in- the pax opted for sleep instead of Thurs night Bengals game. Shocker. They posted to see Paula- back in the gloom with an extra dependent.…