01/16/2025 - Razor-S-Edge - Hanlon’s razor
6 PAX managed to overcome the fartsack in sub-freezing temps only to be disappointed by fewer burpees than promised. Dynamic warmup and stretching to substitute. Rose fled to Europe after…
6 PAX managed to overcome the fartsack in sub-freezing temps only to be disappointed by fewer burpees than promised. Dynamic warmup and stretching to substitute. Rose fled to Europe after…
A loose confederation of ne’er-do-wells, degenerates, and BHM lovers posted. After action report: 1. Some regular cast members were AWOL and missed, some not. 2. DevinEvanKevin’s pie-hole ran nonstop, start…
Like the Hallmark Christmas special nobody asked for, Park-It returned for its first annual one-time-only workout two weeks before year-end. The ghosts of workouts past came together to ensure Oddball…
Like a group of lost apostles, 12 likeminded men of purpose posted to get better. Age spread: ~20 years; war daddy: Skyline; war baby: Big(D)Rig Top 10 things not said…
We all remember our first time, where we were, hopefully with that special someone…. Some of are still looking forward to that special day. My first time was 6am today…
We all remember our first time, for some in the back of a car, for others that time the parents are finally gone for weekend, and some of us are…
Was it the smartest thing to post today? No. But it was only a tropical storm… and we did some good The Thang: By this point, we didnt try to…
Small but mighty group of guys on Thursday at Razors Edge. We ran around the neighborhood doing Merkins at every stop sign. Probably hit two miles at a pretty good…
We started with a warmup at our starting location which foreshadowed the heavy core and upper body that would be featured in the workout. From there, we ran to the…
7 PAX braved the cold and my twisted imagination for my first solo Q. After a good warm-up (Jacks, Walkers, ‘Muricans, LBCs, Clinmbers), we ran the Ring of Doom. Running…