08/26/2020 - Bandit - My xxxxx Hurts
Alarm fails aside, THIS was clearly the day for yhc to take the reins at Bandit. Paula or no Paula, we launched: The Thang: Mosey into the park to the…
Alarm fails aside, THIS was clearly the day for yhc to take the reins at Bandit. Paula or no Paula, we launched: The Thang: Mosey into the park to the…
“One time we mated a bull dog with a shih-tzu. We called it a bullshit” …..pretty much sums up the first 30 minutes of the workout. Ran the pax through…
Note… Posting BB is easier than ever thanks to Metro’s tech staff. Nice work, bots! Headline YHC came in to lead tired from a evening of no power over in…