02/07/2025 - Sparta - Feelings

#SpartaStupid is the right spot at 0530 Friday morning for expressing oneself. 1. Nabisco was late, so the affectionate group stood in a circle, exercised, and waited. Feelings. 2. So…

10/09/2024 - Ranger - Something Wrong at RAnGEr

A baker’s dozen of RAnGEr’s class roster: degenerates, ne’er-do-wells, hooligans, scofflaws, et al, conspired to do good. This conspiracy to do good was misspent energy on bad idea. Insults were…

10/04/2024 - Sparta - #SpartaStupid Top 10

Like a group of lost apostles, 12 likeminded men of purpose posted to get better. Age spread: ~20 years; war daddy: Skyline; war baby: Big(D)Rig Top 10 things not said…

05/16/2024 - Hardcore - No Regerts

With a meathead explosion, we may have to convert the opening paincircle into an oval or even engulf some cars… but today we COP’ed: The Thang: It wasnt 50 SSH…

08/02/2022 - Shorecard - ATES

The bell rang and the Faithful gathered in the Hotbox THANG: 1. Warmorama 2. Decapolis (3 rounds) 3. Bellorama 4. Eight and Chase (big loop) 5. Pledge 6. AAQ 7.…

07/19/2022 - Shorecard - BloodWings

THANG: 1. As usual, we started with a #Randorama with the bag, bell, block and WCD (weight carrying device). 2. It was (well) hot in the Hotbox, so YHC had…

F3 Metro