01/27/2025 - Lift and Shift - Tempting

The decision whether or not to fartsack is usually a one-time decision. This morning, the temptation to fold came up a half dozen times. Rain, Monday, January, Chiefs/Eagles… Courage prevailed…

09/09/2024 - Lift and Shift - Hit It

As typically happens, the Bengals started the year slow. The Q is crabby, it’s gonna cost ya: The Thang: Quick warmup, grab ur bells and work on grip strength! Farmer…

07/24/2023 - Lift and Shift - Carnival

Coming off vaca and ready to go. Albeit tired and fat but here we go: The Thang: Roundabout mosey to Macys and back to Barclay Downs Dr for COP… mosey…

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