03/23/2021 - Ring Run - No Bisco

After attending only three previous Ring Runs, and seeing how free-form they were, I signed up to Q. I thought it has to be pretty easy, right? Just run and…

02/26/2021 - Casbah - All Aboard

50 degrees and clear.  Load up the pax because springtime is here.  Get out there for a couple weeks of mild weather before the furnace turns on… anyway, 17 strong…

02/16/2021 - Ring Run - At Your Own Risk

Probably should’ve led with a disclaimer as we were lucky to make it out of this one in one piece: The Thang: Mosey south down Providence while attmepting to stay…

12/22/2020 - Ring Run - Not Christmas Yet

Vowing zero Christmas thematics, we launched. The Thang: Mosey right on Providence, left on Vernon, left on Stonebridge, right on Sedgewood Circle, left on Wendover, right on Randolph, right into…

10/06/2020 - Ring Run - Hot for Teacher

Hot for Teacher – has nothing to do with the workout but Eddie Van Halen passed today and that was an awesome video.  He was the man and prayers to…

08/26/2020 - Bandit - My xxxxx Hurts

Alarm fails aside, THIS was clearly the day for yhc to take the reins at Bandit.   Paula or no Paula, we launched: The Thang: Mosey into the park to the…

08/07/2020 - Casbah - Ring Runish

Oh boy when Aqua HC’ed to this one, YHC didnt have the heart to tell him we would get to 4.4miles.  Drop off the 2.0 at swim 0550 and still…

F3 Metro