02/12/2025 - Governator - Partly Sunny

The weather report was so bad last night, pre-blasts were needed. 5 posted The Thang: Shovelflag carry to the covered part of New City church. Extended warmorama. Music On. Merkins,…

05/22/2023 - DMZ - A Real Live Bootcamp

We started the week with a dream: a 2 mile bootcamp on the outskirts of CLT Metro… roll out: The Thang: Mosey around the lot, check out the blocks (3…

04/04/2023 - Ring Run - One Shining Moment

YHC didnt watch one second of the ncaa final. Can’t remember the last time that happened. One Shining Moment is still awesome… on the plus side, well rested and ready…

F3 Metro